Saturday, January 30, 2010

P3 Day 2

Only .8 above LIW.. yahoo! I looked back at my past notes and I always jump a few lbs after my first P3 days after loosing so much without the drops.. it must have been not the right fat being lost or something? But my body has to even out! I am hoping for a nice and steady P3! :) I am going to make sure to drink A LOT MORE WATER today :)

P3 Day 1

YAY for P3!

Here is what I ate today....

BF-- Veggie Omelet

Lunch-- Low Carb Burger-- wrapped in lettuce with only mustard (was out shopping.. only resort)

Snack- Handful of almonds

Dinner- Jay Robbs Protein Shake-- got home around 7.. wanted to make the cauliflower pizza but it was way to late.. maybe I will wait a few more night for that! :)

Made some coco crack and Almond Butter cookies.. Yummmy :) only had 3 though but yum I wanted more hehe.. but I was FULL! Hope the scale is good to me tomorrow!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

R3P2D26 Down .6 (VLCD#3 w/ out Drops)

WOO HOO! More wiggle room :) If I do get hungry again today I am going to just go ahead and do another protein shake!
Oh MY GOSH I can NOT wait until tomorrow morning :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

R3P2D25 Down .8 (VLCD#2 w/ out Drops)

So I tried to eat less yesterday to see if I could give myself a little more wiggle room for P3 and it worked.. YAHOO 117.2 this morning.. :) I was totally starving last night though.. I am going to try the same thing today..however if I get to hungry I might have to eat all 500 calories.. we shall see!
Have a good day everyone!

Here is what I ate today...

BF-- Coffee and green Tea

Lunch: Chicken with P2 Salsa

Dinner-- Jay Robbs chocolate whey protein

Snack-- Made another 1/2 protein shake because I was hungry but skipped my fruit for the day...

Had my ACV Drink to flush my system!

I hope the scale is good to me tomorrow morning! I also hope I am not even more hungry tomorrow :(

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

R3P2D24 Down 2..8 (LDW--118.0) VLCD#1 w/ out Drops

Aww.. thank the dear lord... it was all just water weight! However, I am still short of my goal so I am still deciding if I am going to make this my last drop weight and take my last drops at 8am or make tomorrow it.. we shall see... :)

I MADE TODAY MY LDW... which is 118lbs :) .. that means I am crossing my fingers and hoping to not go above 120.. unless it is a STEAK DAY! :) so I will do 3 days of VLC with no DROPS and have my first P3 meal on Friday morning after 8 ... YIPEE :)

Here is what I ate today...
BF-- Coffee and green Tea

Lunch: Steak

Dinner-- Jay Robbs chocolate whey protein shake
lettuce with my homemade ACV dressing

Snack-- Apple

Monday, January 25, 2010

R3P2D23 uP 2 lbs

UGHHH I am sooo mad..., I did NOT even cheat!! TOM came last night.. like really really bad.. massive cramps all night... and this is what I get in the morning :(.. not to mention tomorrow morning is supposed to be my LIW.. because on Friday morning my mom and I have off and we were going to go to breakfast! Now I don't know what to do!

Here is what I ate today...

BF-- Coffee and green Tea

Lunch: Steak

Dinner-- Jay Robbs chocolate whey protein shake

Snack-- Apple

Sunday, January 24, 2010

R3P2D22 uP .4

I knew it... not a big big deal.. Just going to eat a protein drink today and drink lots of water.. maybe do the detox bath tonight! :)

R3P2D21 Down 1.6

I had to step on the scale a few times this morning because I was in total shock! but YAY! I thought for sure the egg white protein drink was going to make me gain but the detox bath must have totally worked! I have noticed that I will loose over a lb and then gain back .4 or .6 and then loose over a lb again and then gain a little back! Ughhh soo annoying but its like my body is trying to play catch up when I loose over a lb.. I think it is because I am so close to my goal weight :).. So I am not going to be in shock if the scale is up a lil tomorrow.. no biggie!

Here is what I ate today...

BF-- Jay Robbs chocolate whey protein shake..

Lunch: hamburger Pattie with lettuce and mustard

Dinner-- Chicken with P2 salsa and asparagus

Snack-- Apple & ACV drink

Went on a hike in the morning with my parents... Had to get something in for breakfast other then coffee.. unless I would have passed out for sure! lol.. and of course I was more hungry the rest of the day but I managed to stay on protocol.. I hope the scale is nice to me tomorrow.. even if I am up a lil..

Friday, January 22, 2010

R3P2D20 Up .4 BOOO

BOOO I am sooo MAD.. haha but no worries I didn't have a BM this morning before I weighed in like I usually do.. so that is probably what it is.. I will continue to drink lots of water today and hope for the best tomorrow.. now 4.8 away from my goal! I just need to keep positive and hope for the best tomorrow when I get on the scale lol!

Here is what I ate today...

BF-- Coffee

Lunch: none

Dinner-- Jay Robbs Egg White protein shake few bites of chicken with dressing

Snack-- Strawberry/chocolate smoothie

OMG tonight was the first night I tried the egg white shake instead of the Whey.. a BIG BIG NO NO... I think I may be allergic because I had the worst stomach ache so I ate some chicken with the P2 friendly "sweet Chinese dressing" (this is what I call it)... took the detox bath -- OMG amazing!! and after my stomach ache was gone.. thank goodness!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

R3P2D19 Down 1.4

YAY another 1.4 down and only 4.4 away from my goal of 115 :) Looks like I will only need to do a short round at this rate.. but I don't want to jinks myself... so I will keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best! If all goes well..I think I will probably go ahead and do my LIW next Tuesday??? So I can have my first P3 meal on Friday Morning.. we will see though :)

Here is what I ate today...

BF-- Coffee

Lunch: none

Dinner-- Jay Robbs Chocolate protein shake & Cualiflower a few bites of chicken (sooo over chicken)

Snack-- Apple

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

R3P2D18 Down 1.4

WOO HOO.. perhaps it worked! :) I am thrilled! Now I am just 5.80 away from my goal! ALL Smiles today :) :) :)

Here is what I ate today...

BF-- Coffee

Lunch: like maybe 50g of chicken.. lettuce and tomato.. from Chipotle.. the chicken was way to fatty I was so disgusted that I threw about all of it out...

Dinner-- Jay Robbs Chocolate protein shake

Snack-- Strawberry/Coco smoothie

Before going to bed I chugged a glass of diluted Apple Cider Vinegar .... hopefully my losses will be good tomorrow...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

R3P2D17 Down .6

I was not by a computer the last two days so I was not able to blog :( however it was boring anyway I was in a stall... that I am hoping is NOW over and DONE with! I have been in the 122's since the 15th... and I am 122.2 today.. I am hoping to see at least 121 tomorrow!!! I am going to down the water today and hope for the best!

Here is what I ate today...

BF-- Apple

Lunch: like maybe 50g of chicken...

Dinner-- Steak with no veggie

Snack-- Strawberry/Coco smoothie

So I didn't pack a lunch today and went to the cafeteria.. thinking they had to have something I could eat.. YEA RIGHT haha. I ate some of the chicken out of the salad my mom got and that was about it. However, I then decided maybe if I do like a mini steak day that it would allow me to get out of the 122s... we will see in the morning..

Saturday, January 16, 2010

R3P2D14 UP .8 :(

BOO.. I knew it! Oh well it is probably just water weight.. I will drink extra water today and hope the scale goes down tomorrow!

Here is what I ate today...

BF-- Apple

Lunch: Jay Robbs Protein shake

Dinner-- Chicken and Cualiflower

Snack-- Strawberry/Coco smoothie

Friday, January 15, 2010

R3P2D13 Down .4

Last night I was craving something sweet like YUMMY ice cream, but then I just made a strawberry coco smoothie and it totally satisfied my cravings! :o) I really want to go shopping today! However, I want to wait until I am finished with this round so I get clothes small enough and then I will HAVE to stay true to P3 and P4 to stay the same weight and fit into my new clothes :) I am going to drink lots and lots of Water today and hope for a bigger loss tomorrow! However... I do know that I am only 7.60 away from my goal weight and it is going to be coming off a lot slower then the first 10 did this round... water water water :)

Here is what I ate today...

BF-- Apple
Lunch: Chicken and lettuce

Dinner-- Jay Robbs Protein shake

Snack-- Strawberry/Coco smoothie

BOOO I started TOM today for some random reason?? Super bloated and not looking forward to the scale tomorrow I know it will be up!... Gotta hang in there it will pass within the next few days I am hoping!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

R3P3D12 Down 1.6lbs

I ate the strawberry and chocolate (unsweetened coco) smoothie a little late last night so I was a bit nervous. However, Today I am down 1.6... YIPPPIE :-) !!! I am only 8lbs away from my goal weight.. super excited! :)

Here is what I ate today...

BF-- Apple

Lunch: London Broil and lettuce

Dinner-- Jay Robbs Protein shake

Snack-- Strawberry/Coco smoothie

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

R3P2D11 Down 1.4 or .4? Darn Scales!

Well I will take either weight.. a loss is a loss.. right?
Feeling GREAT TODAY! Finally no hunger what-so-ever... I ended up splitting my drops up again like I did my last round.. instead of 12 3x a day I am doing 6 6x a day.. and it seems to be helping! YAY! :) Today we sign the contract for our house.. I am sooo excited we are buying our first home!

Here is what I ate today

BF-- Apple
Lunch: Nothing-- I know.. it was a busy busy day and I totally forgot to eat
Dinner-- Jay Robbs Protein shake and a side of Broccoli
Snack-- Strawberry/Coco smoothie

Trying to Play Catch UP!

Okay.. So here it goes...!
This is my third round... my 1st round I lost 29lbs in 43 days and stabilized 2lbs below my LDW! Then I decided to do another round that would end right before Thanksgiving (worst idea EVER).. I lost a total of 16lbs in 23 days and had finally brought me to my goal of 115.8. This time I added way to much way to FAST and was totally unable to stabilize...not to mention I just had a bunch going on that sometimes steak days were not an option.. blah blah blah excuses! Well I ended up gaining all of my 2nd round weight back PLUS SOME :(... and I am now on my 3rd Round and this time nothing is stopping me from stabilizing in P3 and for the rest of my life :). I thought I would start a blog to help me stay on top of exactly what I am eating and just continue with the right mind set to finish grinding through this round...ENJOY :)

To catch up with the past 11 days here are my stats!
1/1-Load day #1--129
1/2-Load day #2--132
1/3 VLCD #1--133.2
1/4 VLCD #2--131.6
1/5 VLCD #3--129.4
1/6 VLCD #4--128.6
1/7 VLCD #5--126.4
1/8 VLCD #6--127.2.. Caused by a Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte from Starbucks :(.. My MIL(or soon to be) drinks these on the diet and still looses! NOT FAIR! lol
1/9 VLCD #7--127.2
1/10 VLCD #8--124.4
1/11 VLCD #9--126.2--I, like many others can't have beef and tomatoes.. well not this round anyway :(.. no worries
1/12 VLCD #10--125